Preferences - Material Design Preferences
This library provides a framework to create nice looking Material Design Preferences down to API9. It uses this GitHub project to fix some bugs in the android support preferences stuff. It also adds some nice features like simple icon tinting, simple menu list preferences and a color picker.
@corwin42 · 2024-07-21
Barcode reader based on Google Play Services Vision [beta]
This is not really a library. It is a modification to CameraEx example that adds barcode detection based on Google Play Services Vision. It uses JavaObject to create the detector and detect barcodes in the Preview event. You should call CreateDetector with the code types you want to detect. Fewer codes will yield faster detections. The implementation is quite simplistic as it is done on the main thread. It works good on Nexus 5X. I haven''t tested it on a low end devices.
@Erel · 2024-07-18
DocumentScanner based on Google ML Kit [class]
DocumentScanner based on Google ML Kit [class]
@Erel · 2024-07-18
Google Code Scanner - no permission, very simple to use, barcode scanning [class]
Google Code Scanner - no permission, very simple to use, barcode scanning [class]
@Erel · 2024-07-18
BLE2PeripheralEnhanced2 - BLE2Peripheral with multiple services
BLE2PeripheralEnhanced2 - BLE2Peripheral with multiple services
@CaptKronos · 2024-07-14
TableView class
The Table class allows you to show tables of any sizes. The views (labels) are reused to avoid creating many views.
@Erel · 2024-07-14
Fireworks library
Fireworks library
@Jerryk · 2024-07-07
GooglePlayBilling - In App Purchases
The previous service which was used by InAppBilling3 library is being deprecated and will soon won''t be available. GooglePlayBilling is based on the new in app purchases service: ttps://
@Erel · 2024-07-07
The NotificationListener library allows you to access the device notifications. This is a new feature which is only available on Android 4.3+ (api 18+).
@Erel · 2024-07-07
B4XCopilot - A.I. Assistant
B4XCopilot - A.I. Assistant
@Blueforcer · 2024-07-04
targetSdkVersion 34 foreground service for mediaPlayback
targetSdkVersion 34 foreground service for mediaPlayback
@Addo · 2024-07-04
Background location tracking Android
Simple example of a foreground service that keeps the process running in the background. The current location is shown in the persistent notification. The app starts at boot and theoretically should run all the time. It also schedules itself to run with StartServiceAt. This can help in cases where the OS kills the process.
@Erel · 2024-07-03
wear dashboard
This script was written to demonstrate Bluetooth Low Energy connection from a WearOS watch with the AEON electronic interface or with PC simulation software. It is intended to provide useful information for the development of various online graphics applications for the AEON product.
@Mr Blue Sky · 2024-06-29
select image from device and upload in server
select image from device and upload in server
@jaber103 · 2024-06-28
@yiankos1 · 2024-06-27
B4A My Rolex
B4A My Rolex
@Grinaute · 2024-06-26
B4X Check Internet available + type [WiFi/Cell/LAN] + IsValidIP + IsValidURL
B4X Check Internet available + type [WiFi/Cell/LAN] + IsValidIP + IsValidURL
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-22
Check Internet connection + Know connection type [WiFi/Cell]
Check Internet connection + Know connection type [WiFi/Cell]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-22
Google Play Billing v.7 Subscription Example
Google Play Billing v.7 Subscription Example
@asales · 2024-06-22
Unlocking the Full Potential: A Custom StringBuilder for B4A
When it comes to string manipulation, the StringBuilder class becomes a powerful tool in any developerâs arsenal. However, in B4A (Basic4Android), the built-in StringBuilder has its limitations.
@carlos7000 · 2024-06-22
Application designed to simulate sending data from a PC to a smartphone.
@Mr Blue Sky · 2024-06-20
ConnectivityManager in the age of asynchronicity
this is a network connection snapshot library for recent android models. it replaces classes and methods relating to network connectivity that were deprecated starting with sdk 28. until the latest classes, the only way to know if you were connected to a network was to poll the system. for google, this was an issue. how often to poll? when is a network connection going to be lost? how often is is going to be lost? with the latest classes, the system monitors network connectivity and changes in network behavior beyond the simple fact of being connected to some network. It raises an event for you to consume.
@drgottjr · 2024-06-16
Immersive Mode - Hide system bars
Immersive Mode - Hide system bars
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2024-06-16
ScrollingLabel - drag your finger
if i have text to show whose content is too great (or too large) to fit on one screenful, i want to be able to scroll the text up and down with my finger (or, optionally, left to right and back).
@drgottjr · 2024-06-16
mpAndroidCharts - PieChart, Line Chart and BarChart with JavaObject
mpAndroidCharts - PieChart, Line Chart and BarChart with JavaObject
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-06-15
This library is able to create different types of dialogues and the important thing is that you can display all dialogues with high graphics and apply a lot of personalization to each dialogue.
@b4a.developer · 2024-06-13
MLKIT Barcode Scanning Class
MLKIT Barcode Scanning Class
@drgottjr · 2024-06-11
B4A Page scrolling in fullscreen mode using a scrollview
B4A Page scrolling in fullscreen mode using a scrollview
@PaulMeuris · 2024-06-03
Http Server hosting a page with download link
Just a simple example with a link to a file stored in File.DirInternal.
@aeric · 2024-06-01
Share Text File Between 2 Apps
Share Text File Between 2 Apps
@aeric · 2024-06-01