MashStats [ABMaterial]
MashStats [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-11-20
MashWaterBall [ABMaterial]
MashWaterBall [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-11-17
MashCameraPlain [ABMaterial]
MashCameraPlain [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-11-15
Organizational Chart via GoogleCharts [ABMaterial]
Organizational Chart via GoogleCharts [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-11-12
MashClock - a custom clock component [ABMaterial]
MashClock - a custom clock component [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-11-08
MashCarousel [ABMaterial]
MashCarousel [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
MashSlidingPanels [ABMaterial]
MashSlidingPanels [ABMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2017-10-25
B4JClassAction Bar, Drawer, etc [JRLVIEWS]
ToolbarHelper Class for ''Buttons'' JSON and Events [JRLViews]
The toolbar for the JRLView ButtonToolbar requires a JSON string for the buttons to add to the toolbar in design view, so this helper class helps you create that JSON string for the Buttons property and also the Events manager subroutine. Seeing that I''m exploring using the Toolbar in most of my B4J apps, this will help on the repetitive nature of what I will do and decided to share this.
@Mashiane · 2017-10-11
The CSSUtils code module makes it easier to update CSS properties at runtime.
@Erel · 2017-08-23
Property Listeners Class
Property Listeners Class
@stevel05 · 2017-05-16
Code beatifier [Class]
Source code formatter
@Mashiane · 2017-04-27
B4JClassMap [CLASS]
NestedMap - A map in a map with n levels [Class]
NestedMap - A map in a map with n levels [Class]
@mindful · 2017-02-14
Custom component ABMTableGrid (team project) [ABMaterial]
We all know ABMTable and ABMTableMutable has its limitations and an editable grid in ABMaterial is requested a lot. As this kind of object is huge, I suggest we make it a Team Effort to build one.
@alwaysbusy · 2017-02-08
B4JClassCombobox [CLASS]
KeyComboListener [class]
I noticed that some people were using the jNativeHookB4J library to allow their programs to listen for key combos (ex: control_shift_f). I thought I''d make your lives a little easier and more flexible with the attached class. The KeyComboListener allows you to listen for key combos using the jNativeHookB4J library and is better than the old method (creating Global Booleans to track when certain keys are in the down position) because you can create and watch for new key combos at run-time. This means that your users can create their own key combos without you having to hard-code each one in. Furthermore, this class raises its event sub in the Main Thread, which will be more intuitive.
@Roycefer · 2017-01-03
B4JClassViews - additional
TreePane & TreeNode
The Treeview of the B4j is nice but lacks some style possibilities. I took my B4A Treeview & Treenode class and adapted them for B4j to get additions.
@derez · 2017-01-03
Basic To Html
I just recently began building a web with B4J and everything was OK until i found that if i wanted to create 4 pages that were almost identical (for example: same header, menu, etc.) i would need to mantain 4 different html files, without the possibility to merge them gracefully enough to still have some differences in them. So i created this small class called tag that let me create webpages programmatically or better said, .html files with some nice features. To use it just declare it and add attributes, another tags, some inner text, and thats all!
@Enrique Gonzalez R · 2016-08-26
This is a date picker similar to B4A AnotherDatePicker.
@Erel · 2016-03-02
B4j Report Writer
This is a Class and 4 custom views that implements a basic reportwriter for B4j.
@stevel05 · 2016-02-29
MapEditor Dialog
This (simple) B4J class enables to put or remove a key / value pair as strings via a modal dialog.
@rwblinn · 2016-02-25
KeyValueStore B4J
This is a port of this class: http://www.basic4ppc.com/android/fo...ple-and-efficient-key-value-data-store.26317/
@Erel · 2016-02-17
Textflow with hyperlinks
This is a modified version of Erel''s textflow class https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/class-textflow-similar-to-b4a-b4i-richstring.61237/ which adds the option to include hyperlinks.
@stevel05 · 2016-02-06
This is a class I wrote that creates a simple pop-up notification at the bottom of the screen. It''s animated and can be fully customized.
@jmon · 2016-01-15
I have re-created some of the example code that appears on the jfugue web site: http://www.jfugue.org/examples.html so you can see how easy it is to access this jar using JavaObject. So rather than me deciding what to wrap, you can access most of the functions directly.
@stevel05 · 2016-01-10
jRDC - B4J implementation of RDC (Remote Database Connector)
@Erel · 2015-12-29
Similar to B4A / B4i RichString: this class uses JavaObject to create a TextFlow node. With a TextFlow you can display rich text with different colors, fonts and other attributes.
@Erel · 2015-12-10
B4JClassComms & Network
Get info on IP addresses
@Roycefer · 2015-09-13
Webcam Capture
The goal of this class is to control a webcam. There is a free software project called Webcam Capture (Generic Webcam Java API).
@CanguroCode · 2015-04-26
I have been looking for a numberspinner that allows Doubles as well as Integers to port for B4j but haven''t been able to find one that did exactly what I wanted, so I decided I would write one, and here it is.
@stevel05 · 2015-03-06
B4JClassComms & Network
A class providing Push Notifications and Cloud Storage using Parse.com.
@derez · 2015-01-29
Popup menu
Here is a class to display popup menus which may be : simple menus, tree menus, file/folder selection menus
@FrenchDeveloper · 2014-10-15