An easy way to use twitter API 1.1
@somed3v3loper · 2014-08-19
TableView filter
Takes a TableView filled from a database using DBUtils and draws text fields above the TableView columns, where the user can input filter expressions which are then applied to the TableView on-the-fly as the filter texts are input.
@Magnus · 2014-08-10
There is a problem with the combobox in Javafx, is that it''s difficult to customize it with B4J. Basically, if you want to set anything apart from a string, you will encounter problems as I have in this thread: http://www.basic4ppc.com/android/forum/threads/combobox-how-to-insert-nodes-with-cell-factory.42546/ So this class is my answer to this problem
@jmon · 2014-07-12
Generate (jQuery-)UI on demand [WebApp]
A couple of classes to generate an (jQuery-)UI out of a WebApp. With this classes you are able to open dialogs and place controls (buttons, textinputs, labels and more).
@Kiffi · 2014-06-24
Color Picker
Color Picker Class B4j 2.2+; note: ColorPicker is now included as a built-in control. You don''t need to use this library.
@stevel05 · 2014-05-13
Hebrew TextField
Hebrew TextField class
@derez · 2014-01-20