Joints Example [XUI2D]
Joints connect two bodies. There are all kinds of joints and they can be used to implement interesting physical solutions. This example demonstrates three types of joints: WeldJoint - Very simple joint. The two bodies are strictly connected with zero movement between the bodies. Note that it is possible that there will be some relative movement if strong forces act on the bodies. WeldJoint is used here for the fence graphics. We want the fence to move together with the "chain" element. We could have achieved the same effect by creating a body with two fixtures. However this is not possible with X2TiledMap. The WeldJoint makes it simple. RopeJoint - Defines the maximum distance between two bodies (more accurately, between a specific point in body A and a specific point in body B). RevoluteJoint - This is a more powerful joint. I''ll quote this nice tutorial: "The revolute joint can be thought of as a hinge, a pin, or an axle. An anchor point is defined on each body, and the bodies will be moved so that these two points are always in the same place, and the relative rotation of the bodies is not restricted.
@Erel · 2018-08-26
Hello World 2 based on Tile Map [XUI2D]
This is a minimal example of using XUI2D with tiled map.
@Erel · 2018-08-23
Space Invaders #1 [XUI2D]
A simple example of classic space invaders.
@Erel · 2018-08-23
Space Invaders #2 [XUI2D]
New features in this example: - shields - mystery enemy (red enemy) - high scores - explosion graphics - and some other small improvements.
@Erel · 2018-08-23
Super Mario Example #1 [XUI2D]
Super Mario Example #1 [XUI2D]
@Don Oso · 2018-08-23
Super Mario Example #2 [XUI2D]
Super Mario Example #2 [XUI2D]
@Peter Simpson · 2018-08-23
X2TileMap - Tiled maps [XUI2D]
First version of X2TileMap is attached. It allows loading map files created with Tiled Map Editor:
@Erel · 2018-08-23
First Joints Demo [XUI2D]
This code adds the joints between the elements based on the "hinge" objects positions
@Erel · 2018-08-21
Flappy Bird Example [XUI2D]
Example of a "flappy bird" game. The images and sounds are based on Clumsy Bird open source project: (GPL license) Interesting points: - The moving ground required some work to correctly adjust its position. It moves a bit backwards and then jump forward. - The pipes are all drawn from the same two images, one for the top pipes and one for the bottom pipes. The default behavior of the built-in graphic cache is to draw the full image. A delegate class was added and it creates the drawing task with the specific part. - I''ve added another ImageView named ivMessages. It is used for the "get ready" and "game over" messages. - The bird is rotated based on its velocity vector direction
@LucaMs · 2018-07-19
Units and Scales [XUI2D]
There are all kinds of units and scales in XUI2D. It is important to understand them and use them consistently.
@Erel · 2018-07-19
Hello World - First app [XUI2D]
The purpose of this tutorial is to help you run your very first app based on XUI2D. A great benefit of XUI2D being cross platform is that you can do most of the development in B4J. Developing directly on the desktop is simpler and faster. Later you can create B4A and B4i projects and add references to the exact same modules.
@walterf25 · 2018-07-18
Sharing modules and classes [B4X]
In newer versions of B4A (v7.8), B4J (v6.0) and B4i (not yet released) it is simple to share code modules between projects, including projects targeting other platforms.
@Erel · 2018-07-18
Cross platform game engine - first beta version is released! [XUI2D]
The purpose of this framework is to allow developers to build cross platform 2D games.
@Mark Turney · 2018-07-17
GitLab: Syntax highlighting for B4X files
When using an online repository such as GitLab, you can add a file named ".gitattributes" with the following content
@wonder · 2018-06-23
Arrow throwing
Arrow throwing
@hookshy · 2018-06-18
BitmapCreator Performance [B4X]
I made some tests to better understand the performance of BitmapCreator in the different platforms. The test starts by creating many boxes with random gradient colors and then it moves all of them each iteration.
@Erel · 2018-06-07
Maximizing Performance with BC [B4X] [BitmapCreator]
1. This tutorial is about BitmapCreator v3.5+. 2. It is relevant for B4A, B4i and B4J. 3. The features discussed are only needed when making hundreds or more drawings per second.
@Erel · 2018-06-07
Tip: Always set FTP.PassiveMove to True [B4X]
Tip: Always set FTP.PassiveMove to True [B4X]
@Erel · 2018-05-29
Erel Teaches Programming - video tutorials [B4X]
Erel Teaches Programming - video tutorials [B4X]
@Erel · 2018-05-28
Create and use SQlite databases with DB Browser [B4X]
Create and use SQlite databases with DB Browser [B4X]
@KMatle · 2018-05-01
How to create an overview for your B4X articles easily
You can create your overview of your B4X articles easily without the need of copying and pasting each articles url, thanks to b4xgoodies and MashOverviewCreator
@Mashiane · 2018-05-01
SQlite with 6 million rows [B4X]
I''ve written a tutorial about database modelling and how long queries in a good designed db environment should take. This is a example about using huge databases. What it does: - creates two tables (customers and orders) - inserts 1 million customers and 5 orders per customer = 5 million orders = 6 million rows total - creates one single index on orders (customer id to access every order as fast as possible) - shows the time used for any query - all db functions are inside an own module - the code can be easily converted to B4A (just put it in a service/the starter service) - note: don''t use huge db''s in an Android app as it is not a server :)
@KMatle · 2018-04-06
Database modelling [B4X]
This tutorial is about db modelling with a small example. Of course this is just an overwiew and there is much more. I assume you know how to create tables and Co.
@KMatle · 2018-04-04
Data exchange (B4x, php, servers, .net and others) [B4x]
Data exchange (B4x, php, servers, .net and others) [B4x]
@KMatle · 2018-03-18
Watch the b4x Video Tutorials with interactive zoom
If you''re having problems with the resolution, or your age ( :( ) and you see the code too small ,try to use this tricky feature in VLC Player called "interactive zoom". You can see all code much clearer and also you can jump immediately to other section of the screen such as the log output area etc.
@trepdas · 2018-02-26
WSL Linux and B4x
If anyone is interested in being able to rapidly test desktop, console or server code in a headless environment using WSL, Linux and X11 I have prepared 19 ready to run distro''s that can be downloaded here:
@mrpastewart · 2018-02-25
Pixelator - turn any image into fancy pixel-art
I know some people in the forum have mentioned that it''s very difficult to produce art for games. I just found this app (not made with B4X), and thought that it might help somebody.
@Sandman · 2018-02-20
IDE Tips [B4X] [Video]
IDE Tips [B4X] [Video]
@Erel · 2018-01-10
Builder Pattern [B4X]
Builder pattern is one the most important design pattern in OOP. The main purpose of this pattern is to validate an object before inizializing it, but without checking the object in his class costructor. A builder pattern has also more advantages, that we will see in this tutorial
@Emme Developer · 2017-12-19
Blockchain Example - Create Your Own Cryptocurrency (part 1/2) [B4X]
Blockchain Example - Create Your Own Cryptocurrency (part 1/2) [B4X]
@wonder · 2017-12-13