Backward Compatibility [B4X]
Backward Compatibility [B4X]
@Erel · 2017-12-03
External Editors [B4X]
You can configure the IDE to show a list of external file editors. The list shows when you right click on a file in the Files tab.
@Erel · 2017-11-27
Drawing with B4XCanvas [B4X] [XUI]
B4XCanvas is the cross platform version of Canvas. Steps to using B4XCanvas: 1. Initialize and pass the target view. In most cases it will be a Panel (or Pane). It must be a Pane in B4J. 2. Make the drawings. 3. Call Invalidate to commit the drawings. 4. If the target view is resized then you should call B4XCanvas.Resize. This is more relevant in B4J and B4i as the activity is recreated in B4A when the screen size changes. 5. B4XCanvas.CreateBitmap returns the drawings bitmap.
@Erel · 2017-10-24
Msgbox [B4X] [XUI]
XUI library v1.4 adds support for asynchronous msgbox dialogs.
@Erel · 2017-10-19
Creating custom views with XUI [B4X] [XUI]
With the help of XUI it is quite simple to create custom views classes that will work with B4A, B4i and B4J.
@Erel · 2017-10-17
FTP Server code update for multi-network card hosts [B4X]
(This code will work with B4A and B4J) This relates to the FTP Server code posted here ( @Sergio83 discovered an issue with the FTP server when it is deployed in a machine that has multiple active network cards (see In such an environment, it can happen that the FTPDataConnection may be assigned a different IP address than the FTPClient command connection, which will cause connection issues (as per the post linked above). With @Sergio83''s help in testing the development and refining of a solution and @Erel''s help in using Reflection vs JavaObject, the following code changes will allow for the proper handling of client connections
@OliverA · 2017-10-17
B4x / PHP compatibility thread
A lot of developers like me use php as the backend component on a server to communicate with B4x apps. My intention is to create a thread with some "How to''s" and best practices. Please feel free to expand it. It''s not the place to post questions (please open a new thread then). The examples posted here can be used in all B4x products (maybe with a slight change).
@KMatle · 2017-09-30
Old-school Parallax Scrolling
In the 8-bit era, most videogame consoles weren''t powerful enough to support multiple background layers. Using a single layer, however, it would be possible to create such an illusion.
@wonder · 2017-08-28
GamePad support for B4j
GamePad support for B4j
@ilan · 2017-08-24
Johan''s Overview
Johan''s Overview
@Johan Schoeman · 2017-08-05
Sending emails with Gmail REST API [B4X]
Up until now there were two ways to send emails: 1. Using the default mobile app which required the user to actually send the message (available in B4A and B4i). 2. Using SMTP from the Net library. This required the user to enter the email account details. Both options are problematic. Now there is a third option which is to ask the user once for permission to send emails through his gmail account Once allowed we can use the Gmail API to send messages.
@Erel · 2017-07-17
Meld: Nice tool for diffing files and directories
This isn''t really a tutorial but rather a recommendation for a diff tool. Sometimes you need to compare files, or even directories, and doing it manually is just too painful and difficult. I''ve used Meld many times over the years (mostly on Linux though), and can really recommend it. Meld can be found at and is completely free.
@Sandman · 2017-07-16
Big-endian and Little-endian
I didn''t know what was the difference was between Big-endian and Little-endian, so I just looked up about it on the internet as I needed to know the difference for a sketch I was converting. I just thought that I would share the following information with you.
@Peter Simpson · 2017-06-29
Dualshock 4 (PS4) Controller KeyCode Values
Dualshock 4 (PS4) Controller KeyCode Values
@wonder · 2017-06-25
Using a Git Repository (Version Control) for Beginners
Using a Git Repository (Version Control) for Beginners
@wonder · 2017-06-22
Network + AsyncStreams + B4XSerializator B4J
This is the B4J version of this B4A example: Network + AsyncStreams + B4XSerializator Note that B4XSerializator is cross platform, so it should be simple to use similar code to communicate with B4A or B4i programs.
@Erel · 2017-05-15
SQL with Wait For [B4X]
The new resumable subs feature, introduced in B4J v5.50, B4i v4.00 and B4A v7.00 (to be soon released), makes it simpler to work with large data sets with minimum effect on the program responsiveness.
@Erel · 2017-05-15
B4RSerializator - Send and receive objects instead of bytes [B4X]
B4RSerializator solves a difficult and common task. Sending messages with multiple fields to other platforms.
@Erel · 2017-04-24
Game engines
In case someone missed them, here are the game engines at your disposal for the B4x products: B4a: libGDX B4j: SimpleGameEngine + jBox2D B4i: iSpriteKit
@eps · 2017-04-20
Use (inlined) DistanceSquared to compare distances [Performance]
Use (inlined) DistanceSquared to compare distances [Performance]
@wonder · 2017-04-14
Useful Formulas
Useful math / physics / other formulas
@wonder · 2017-04-14
Game Programming Patterns [eBook]
Game Programming Patterns [eBook]
@wonder · 2017-03-21
How to "Collapse All" with a single key
While developing pages for ABMaterial, I frequently use Edit->Outlining->Collapse All to condense the source and navigate between sections. Today there is no hot-key in the IDE to "Collapse All". Instead you can press [CTRL] [SHIFT] [O] a couple times to "Toggle All" and get the same result. But that''s still a bit of keyboard yoga. Here''s how can you map "Collapse All" to a single key with a clever project from Instructables.
@stanmiller · 2017-03-15
corwin42 - Libraries Overview
corwin42 - Libraries Overview
@corwin42 · 2017-02-27
Native Gamepad Support
Native Gamepad Support
@wonder · 2016-12-27
Png to Spritesheet ???
Sometime you find a nice PNG (image) file that you really like and would like to use it in your game. The problem is how do you animate that image? there are a lot apps that can help you animate an image but the best app i found is SPRITER. the great thing in spriter is that you create bones and connect them to your image and like this you can animate it very easy. i include a video of an example i did few minutes ago. i wanted to share this with you (game developers) because spriter is now on sale so you should really consider getting this great tool. it will help you with game making. you can also try spriter for free and if you like it you can purchase the license. (i did it and its worth every penny!) spriter link:
@ilan · 2016-12-26
Smart String Literal [B4X]
Smart String Literal [B4X]
@Erel · 2016-12-08
Box2D [Manual]
In case someone was looking for it, here''s the official manual:
@wonder · 2016-12-05
It''s not Box2D but...
Draw lines with left click, drop balls with right click.
@Jaames · 2016-11-29
Raycasting Algorithm Demo - Work In Progress
Raycasting Algorithm Demo - Work In Progress
@wonder · 2016-11-15