Text, Strings and Parsers [B4X]
This guide is relevant for B4A, B4i and B4J. There are all kinds of tools and libraries available for the different text based formats. The purpose of this guide is to organize the available resources.
@Erel · 2020-05-19
B4XTable - Setting cell [default label] properties [B4X]
B4XTable - Setting cell [default label] properties [B4X]
@LucaMs · 2020-04-22
Nested layouts [B4X]
Nested layouts with anchors
@Erel · 2020-04-19
B4X lib automatic build [B4X]
B4X lib automatic build [B4X]
@Alessandro71 · 2020-04-12
Cross platform example [B4X]
This is a simple example that demonstrates a recommended method of sharing code and files between B4A, B4i and B4J. It is based on these tips: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/xui2d-cross-platform-tips.96815
@Erel · 2020-04-12
Inspiration: How I made a 3D game in only 2KB of JavaScript
Inspiration: How I made a 3D game in only 2KB of JavaScript
@Sandman · 2020-03-09
Exchange Data via OkHttpUtils and php [or other platforms] via lists, maps, arrays, etc. [B4x]
Exchange Data via OkHttpUtils and php [or other platforms] via lists, maps, arrays, etc. [B4x]
@KMatle · 2020-03-08
Localizator with CSV files [B4X]
For the first time I try to make my apps multilingual and found this very useful helper. But I prefer to use CSV files (not excel) for the translations. So I combined it with this CSV-Parser.
@skrjabin · 2020-03-01
A flag match game with source code for new B4A [B4X] developers
A flag match game with source code for new B4A [B4X] developers
@Peter Simpson · 2020-02-03
B4X Programming Technics + Track Changes Tool [B4X]
B4X Programming Technics + Track Changes Tool [B4X]
@hatzisn · 2020-01-11
Cross platform Editable B4XTable + Form Example [B4X]
This example demonstrates several things: Cross platform code and files, similar to the way XUI2D games are organized: All the logic is implemented in a class named EditableTable. The module is located in the projects parent folder. The two asset files (list of animals - source; and the preferences dialog template) are stored in the Shared Files folder and are copied when needed with a #CustomBuildAction command. You can see it in the EditableTable class. Note that if you want to update those files then you need to update the files in the Shared Files folder. The project specific files will be updated automatically. Using B4XTable and B4XPreferencesDialog to create an editable table. Table features: Add new items. Edit existing items. Delete existing items. Duplicate existing items. Data is saved when the app closes to a CSV file. Saved data is loaded when the app starts.
@Erel · 2020-01-02
Cross platform chat layout example
Example of implementing a chat layout. It is based on xCustomListView. The text is created with a hidden BBCodeView (BCTextEngine) and the bubble is drawn with BitmapCreator.
@Erel · 2019-12-31
Paralells Desktop 15 Windows 10 B4A,B4I,B4J and B4R looks blurry [Fix] [B4X]
Every time i have B4A on my second monitor on my mac, then the text was blurry and this was no fun to work with⦠Now i have a fix for this.
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-12-23
Drawing with BitmapCreator [B4X]
BitmapCreator (BC) continues to evolve. Version 4.5 update is a large update with several new drawing features.
@Erel · 2019-12-22
B4XGoodies Check App
B4XGoodies Check App
@AnandGupta · 2019-12-10
Resumable subs and the index pattern [B4X]
The "index pattern" is a pattern that you can see in many examples and libraries where resumable subs are used. It is a simple solution to avoid race conditions and unexpected states. The resumable subs code like all other standard B4X code, is executed by the main thread. Still, with resumable subs you can easily have multiple instances of the same sub running almost at the same time.
@Erel · 2019-11-24
Let''s create a Star Catcher Game [BANanoPhaser]
Let''s create a Star Catcher Game [BANanoPhaser]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-20
MQTT Chat Room [B4X]
MQTT Chat Room [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-11-18
Exploring tweening with a coin catcher [BANanoPhaser 0.2+]
Exploring tweening with a coin catcher [BANanoPhaser 0.2+]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-15
Approximately : How good are your eyes? [BANanoPhaser 0.2]
Approximately : How good are your eyes? [BANanoPhaser 0.2]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-11
Basic Phaser Games Development with BANano [BANanoPhaser]
Basic Phaser Games Development with BANano [BANanoPhaser]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-11
Dino Dash [BANanoPhaser 0.2]
Dino Dash [BANanoPhaser 0.2]
@Mashiane · 2019-11-10
SELECT - don''t waste tags [B4X]
Determine the sender in an event sub from the Sender object instead of using a tag
@LucaMs · 2019-10-28
Star Catcher - Collect stars and dodge some bombs! 180 lines of code
Star Catcher - Collect stars and dodge some bombs! 180 lines of code
@Mashiane · 2019-10-25
xCLV - lazy loading with text input [B4X]
The attached B4J example demonstrates how to implement lazy loading with editable items.
@Erel · 2019-10-24
Send Firebase-Message via php [B4x]
How to use php to send messages to devices.
@KMatle · 2019-09-15
Additional libraries folder [B4X]
Starting from B4J v7.30, B4i (TBD) and B4A (TBD), the additional libraries folder can be organized in a way that allows sharing cross platform libraries between B4A, B4J and B4i.
@Erel · 2019-09-08
RSA sign & verify messages [extra: with corresponding php code] [B4x]
This little tutorial is about signing and verifying data you send/receive between apps (= all "programs", even websites). You can use it in B4A without a change (I don''t know how B4i works, but I assume there are similar libs).
@KMatle · 2019-09-08
Spreading Controls [B4X] [Visual Designer]
Question: How can I build a layout with X controls spread horizontally or vertically? Answer: You can use the designer script for this. As the designer script engine (currently) doesn''t support loops it requires copying a few lines, however it is quite simple.
@Erel · 2019-09-08
Sharing layouts between platforms [B4X]
Sharing layouts between platforms [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-09-05