Some notes to better understand the XUI2D examples
During the training in XUI2D it became necessary for me to get to know the elements and mechanisms involved. Below are some of my notes compiled from several sources (see end of text), which might help others to better understand whats going on in Erelâs examples. It is not a fully-fledged guide to create a game from scratch. But maybe it can make it easier to get started and get a clearer overview of the jungle of seemingly unmanageable information.
@fredo · 2019-09-01
PHP implementation of B4XSerializator and PhpCloudKVS Server example [B4X]
PHP implementation of B4XSerializator and PhpCloudKVS Server example [B4X]
@Toky Olivier · 2019-08-21
Word Game [BANanoCreateJS]
Word Game [BANanoCreateJS]
@Mashiane · 2019-08-05
Creating a cross platform custom view packed as b4xlib [B4X]
Creating a cross platform custom view packed as b4xlib [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-07-24
Creating a cross platform Tetris game [B4X] [BitmapCreator]
This example shows how BitmapCreator can be used to create a cross platform Tetris game. The code is an evolution of the code introduced in the "walking character" example.
@Erel · 2019-07-16
Tetris [XUI2D]
I''ve ported the old Tetris example ( to X2 framework. It is part of the examples pack.
@Erel · 2019-07-16
Scene Editor
Scene Editor
@Informatix · 2019-07-07
Custom Views with Enhanced Designer Support [B4X]
Custom Views with Enhanced Designer Support [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-07-04
XOR operation for Boolean
XOR operation for Boolean
@Tayfur · 2019-07-02
Box2D Explained a little simpler
Box2D Explained a little simpler
@RandomCoder · 2019-06-29
ColorDrop - a HTML5 CreateJS based game [BANanoCreateJS]
ColorDrop - a HTML5 CreateJS based game [BANanoCreateJS]
@Mashiane · 2019-06-22
Using and understanding Pointers and References
Using and understanding Pointers and References
@wonder · 2019-05-27
Forms & User Input video tutorial [B4X] [etp]
Forms & User Input video tutorial [B4X] [etp]
@Erel · 2019-04-30
B4XPlusMinus - Spinner / wheel alternative [B4X]
B4XPlusMinus is a cross platform control introduced in XUI Views v2.05: It supports three different formations: horizontal, vertical and bottom. The bottom formation is useful with smaller controls to prevent the user finger from hiding the value.
@Erel · 2019-04-29
B4XTable - Editable table and export to CSV [B4X]
B4XTable - Editable table and export to CSV [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-04-11
B4XTable - Adding custom navigation buttons [B4X]
B4XTable - Adding custom navigation buttons [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-04-08
somed3v3loper Overview
somed3v3loper Overview
@somed3v3loper · 2019-04-07
Exchange AES-256 encrypted messages between ESP32 and B4x [B4x]
This is about how to exchange AES256 encrypted messages incl. generated IV (initialization vector) between a ESP32 and B4x.
@KMatle · 2019-03-28
follow path from Tiled
follow path from Tiled
@sager · 2019-03-21
Modules, Files, Groups and Folders [B4X]
The latest IDE update (B4J v6.0 and soon in the other tools) adds support for grouping files and modules.
@Erel · 2019-03-03
Collision Bits and Masks Calculator - Collision filtering [Tool]
Here is an Exeltool which calculates the Masks according to the categories to which the single category shall collide.
@Gunther · 2019-03-02
Tip - Modified server response [B4X]
The app sends a request to a server implemented with B4J. The server responds with a number. The user internet provider modified the server response and returned a JavaScript that does something (it is related to "safe internet" feature). Bottom line is that even if you are calling your own web service you cannot assume that the server response will not be modified...
@Erel · 2019-02-27
RSS Viewer using xCustomListView [B4X]
After having used the RSS Viewer library in the past, and now finding that it won''t function with my secure sites, I decided to start with Erel''s XUI CustomListView example and then integrate that with using the XML2MAP library to write a RSS viewer. The attached example is for B4A, but it would probably be easy enough to adapt to b4i as well.
@Jack Cole · 2019-02-19
World and Screen Sizes [XUI2D]
There are several ways to adjust our game to different screen sizes.
@Erel · 2019-02-13
B4XTable - Load data from SQL database [B4X]
B4XTable - Load data from SQL database [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-02-10
B4XTable with custom cells layout [B4X]
B4XTable with custom cells layout [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-02-06
How Resumable Subs work [B4X]
This document is intended to add a little understanding as to how Resumable Subs actually work under the bonnet and is intended as a complement to how they are used as Erel explains in his tutorials. Note that the following applies equally to B4A, B4I and B4J.
@agraham · 2019-01-30
Creating commercial games based on the examples [XUI2D]
Creating commercial games based on the examples [XUI2D]
@Erel · 2019-01-24
Input dialogs with XUI Views [B4X]
Input dialogs with XUI Views [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-01-23
Manage your own Let''s Encrypt Certificates [ACME Client] [B4X]
While looking around on interesting projects to wrap i found a java console app (jar file) which is able to create and manage Certificates which can be used in your Server. It manages Let''s Encrypt Certificates for you.
@DonManfred · 2019-01-11