B4XTutorialFTP [B4X]
FTP Server implemented with Socket and AsyncStreams [B4X]
This is an example of using low level network features to implement a high level protocol. It is an implementation of a standard FTP server. You can use standard FTP client programs to send or receive files. As it is based on AsyncStreams and it can handle multiple concurrent connections. It is compatible with B4J, B4i and B4A.Note that only passive mode (which is the preferred method) is implemented.
@Erel · 2022-07-18
B4XTutorialCalendar [B4X]
AS CalendarAdvanced - Expand with xCLV [B4X]
This is a sample project to demonstrate how to expand or collapse the calendar and at the same time adjust a listview below it.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-07-14
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS PopupMenuAdvanced - ComboBox [B4X]
This is a small example to demonstrate what is possible with the beautiful view.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-07-14
B4XTutorialPicker [B4X]
AS WheelPicker PlusMinus Example [B4X]
AS WheelPicker PlusMinus Example [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-07-14
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X][XUI]
ASTabMenu with xCustomListView Example [B4X] [XUI]
In this Example i want to show you, how to use the ASTabMenu togehther with the xCustomListView, to handle a lot of Tabs without getting into layout problems.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-07-14
B4XLibraryEncryption [B4A, B4I, B4J][B4X]
B4XCryptFile b4xlib [B4A, B4i, B4J] [B4X]
This library handles Strings and Binary files so you can Encrypt/Decrypt them using AES
@ThRuST · 2022-07-07
B4XLibraryEncryption [B4A, B4I, B4J][B4X]
B4XAES Encryption/Decryption b4xlib [B4A, B4i, B4J] [B4X]
Encrypts/decrypts a string using AES (Requires Bouncy Castle)
@ThRuST · 2022-07-04
B4XPassword b4xlib
Generate random password
@ThRuST · 2022-07-01
B4XSnippetTranslation/localisation [B4X]
Localizator - Script for Excel to translate directly from google translate [B4X]
An Excel file with a VBA macro to translate directly using google translate, It also detects and warns if any key is repeated in red.
@scsjc · 2022-06-25
B4XSnippetCamera [B4X]
CameraExClass- QrCode/Barcode Reader fix new SDK [B4X]
CameraExClass- QrCode/Barcode Reader fix new SDK [B4X]
@Mike1970 · 2022-06-21
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS_TabMenuAdvanced Custom Middle Button [B4X]
In this example we add a MiddleButton that is larger than the internal one and is outside the TabMenu.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-06-15
B4XSnippetMQTT [B4X]
Audio Over MQTT [B4X]
Example for streaming audio from B4A to B4J over internet using MQTT.
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-06-09
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS TabMenuAdvanced Designs [B4X]
AS TabMenuAdvanced Designs [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-06-05
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS_TabMenuAdvanced + ASPopupMenu [B4X]
This is a example how to use the AS_TabMenuAdvanced together with the ASPopupMenu.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-06-03
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS_TabMenuAdvanced + ASPopupMenuAdvanced [B4X]
This is a example how to use the AS_TabMenuAdvanced together with the ASPopupMenuAdvanced.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-06-03
B4XLibraryInterop [B4X]
Download descriptions, covers, backgrounds and other things about a movie from TMDB (The Movie DataBase)
@MichalK73 · 2022-05-27
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
Greedy Trim [B4X]
Uses regex to replace all multiple spaces / tabs (whitespaces) to single space in a string
@mohsyn · 2022-05-26
B4XSnippetB4X [B4X]
Comment link to build b4xlib [B4X]
Comment link to build b4xlib [B4X]
@Erel · 2022-05-25
B4XLibraryMenu [XUI][B4X]
SD_CosmosMenu [XUI] [B4X]
SD_CosmosMenu [XUI] [B4X]
@Star-Dust · 2022-05-21
Code Sort
I wanted to write a tool to help me with organizing/sorting functions for my b4a apps. Original files are not touched at all. It can help you: 1. Sort Subroutines in lexicographical order (when you have too many subs which are in your code in no order) 2. Or order of your choice ( keeping related routines closer to each other so that it is easier to go back and forth) 3. Or arrange Regions ( organizing code for easier access)
@mohsyn · 2022-05-17
Cross platform Falling Sand game [B4XPages] [BitmapCreator]
This is just a conversion from individual platform into B4XPages.
@aeric · 2022-05-10
B4XTutorialButton [B4X]
Turning Miscellaneous Image Shapes into Buttons [B4X]
Turning Miscellaneous Image Shapes into Buttons [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2022-05-05
B4XLibraryMenu [B4X][XUI]
AS Bottom Menu V2 [B4X] [XUI]
This is the V2 of the ASBottomMenu, with more Features, less code than the V1, B4X optimized and more... Why a new thread for this? Because i have develope the class from the ground new, the event names etc. have been changed. The V2 is not compatible with the V1.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-04-27
B4XLibraryViews - effects [B4X][XUI][B4XLIB]
HintOverlay - display hints that also highlight target views [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
HintOverlay - display hints that also highlight target views, with a connecting line between hint and view [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
@Segga · 2022-04-26
B4XTutorialB4X [B4X]
Comment Links [B4X]
Comment Links [B4X]
@Erel · 2022-04-25
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4XPAGES]
jRDC2 + MySql CRUD + Login [B4XPages]
jRDC2 + MySql CRUD + Login [B4XPages]
@josejad · 2022-04-24
A B4X Source Code Handling Class [BANanoCodeHandler]
I am using this to maintain my BANano Custom Views and whilst its BANano related code, it is just b4x code after-all and can be adopted for any scenario.
@Mashiane · 2022-04-20
Class Generator
Class Generator
@spsp · 2022-04-17
B4XLibraryTable/Grid [B4X]
SnapCLVAdvanced - Move to the nearest item - Instant snap [B4X]
I took the original CLVSnap code from @Erel and modified it to create a new class. With this class you can decide if you want to have an instant snap or if you want the list to snap only when the list stops moving.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-04-13
B4XClassRandomise [B4X]
Class - clsRndItems [B4X]
A simple class for randomly picking items from a group without repetitions (but also with repetitions, if desired).
@LucaMs · 2022-04-08