B4XLibraryColour [B4X][XUI]
AS BottomColorChooser [B4X] [XUI]
AS BottomColorChooser [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-26
B4XLibraryDate/time [B4X]
lmB4XDateTemplate [B4X]
Enhanced version of B4XDateTemplate [B4X]
@LucaMs · 2024-11-24
B4XLibraryDate/time [B4X][B4XLIB]
lmB4XMultiDateDlg [B4X] [B4XLib]
Crossplatform (B4A, B4J, B4i) library that provides a template (lmB4XDateTemplate2) to use with B4XDateDialog to highlight N dates (and make them clickable). It is very useful for developing SW for appointments, notes, reservations, schedulers, reminders, ...
@LucaMs · 2024-11-22
B4XSnippetList- and scrollview [WITH CHECKBOX, IMAGEVIEW AND 2 LABELS][B4X]
Create List Item [with checkbox, imageview and 2 labels] [B4X]
Create List Item [with checkbox, imageview and 2 labels] [B4X]
@aeric · 2024-11-20
B4XTutorialViews - other [B4X]
AS FeatureRequest - Supabase as backend [B4X]
AS FeatureRequest - Supabase as backend [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-18
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/Loading [B4X][XUI]
AS Stories [B4X] [XUI]
Library that shows a horizontal progress like Instagram stories. You can add your own layout like on the AS_ViewPager. The AS_Stories supports lazy laoding too.>
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-18
nanoSvg Library [cross-platform] [B4X] [XUI]
nanoSvg Library [cross-platform] [B4X] [XUI]
@mazezone · 2024-11-18
B4XSnippetB4X [B4X]
Get absolute top value of a View [B4X]
Get absolute top value of a View [B4X]
@LucaMs · 2024-11-17
B4XTutorialMenu [B4X]
AS BottomActionSheet - Small Icon [B4X]
AS BottomActionSheet - Small Icon [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-11-04
B4XTutorialPreferences [B4X]
AS Settings - ColorChooser Property [B4X]
AS Settings - ColorChooser Property [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-10-31
Using B4XDialog
Using B4XDialog
@Cadenzo · 2024-10-31
Using global classes
Using global classes
@Cadenzo · 2024-10-31
Using OS specific code in global classes [cross platform]
Using OS specific code in global classes [cross platform]
@Cadenzo · 2024-10-31
Using SQLite
Using SQLite
@Cadenzo · 2024-10-31
B4XSnippetUI design [B4XPAGES]
@Lucas Siqueira · 2024-10-29
B4XLibrarySocial [B4X]
GreenApi - WhatsApp API [B4X]
Green API is a platform that allows you to send and receive WhatsApp messages through a stable API.
@Mariano Ismael Castro · 2024-10-25
B4XLibraryB4X [B4X][XUI]
SD XUIView2 [B4X] [XUI]
the second series of XUI Views
@Star-Dust · 2024-10-21
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/Loading [B4X][XUI]
AS AnimatedCounter [B4X] [XUI]
This is a Animated Counter with more Features. The Class is based on this class from Erel. Features: -Negativ Numbers -Positiv Numbers -Compatible with B4A,B4I and B4J -The Numbers are Centered -Automatic Counting
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-10-10
B4XLibraryTabStrip [B4X][XUI]
AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
AS SegmentedTab [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-10-10
B4XLibraryList- and scrollview [B4X]
CLVDragger [B4X]
Modified version of CLVDragger which will work on B4A, B4i and B4J
@aeric · 2024-10-10
B4XLibraryMenu [B4X][XUI][B4XLIB]
B4XMenuPlus [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
Extension for B4XPages menu. Replacing B4XPages.AddMenuItem().
@Gfy · 2024-10-09
B4XTutorialDrawing [B4X]
Measure Line Lengths and Intersection Angles - Draggable Points [B4X]
Measure Line Lengths and Intersection Angles - Draggable Points [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2024-10-09
A utility class to manage a simple collections of Map inside List
@aeric · 2024-10-09
B4XClassCharts [B4X]
xGantt Chart [B4X]
xGantt Chart [B4X]
@klaus · 2024-09-22
B4XSnippetAnimation [USING ONLY B4X CODE][B4X]
Ripple Effects and UUID [Using only B4X code] [B4X]
Ripple Effects and UUID [Using only B4X code] [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2024-09-21
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
UUID generator [B4X]
With this UUID generator you will not have problems with duplicates, in Java 11 or higher it generates version 4.
@TILogistic · 2024-09-21
B4XLibrarySeekbar [B4X][XUI]
AS StepSeekBar - StepSlider [B4X] [XUI]
AS StepSeekBar - StepSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-09-20
B4XLibraryViewPager [B4X][XUI]
AS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
AS View Pager based on xCustomListView [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-09-18
B4XClassEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [B4X]
BR_B4XFloatTextField [B4X]
With the example of Erel library and with the help of Biswajit, we made some modifications to the original B4XFloatTextField library, recreating it with some modifications in the visual transforming into BR_B4XFloatTextField.
@Lucas Siqueira · 2024-09-18
JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax [B4X] [BANano] [CLASS]
JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax [B4X] [BANano] [CLASS]
@alwaysbusy · 2024-09-16