XUI Views Example [B4X] [B4XPages]
This is only an update to the original example from Erel.
@asales · 2022-01-10
MS SQL Database viewer tool
List MSSQL database tables, their structure and data
@jkhazraji · 2022-01-09
Creating Jigsaw Puzzles [B4XPages]
The code I''m using in a project to create a jigsaw puzzle. What it basically does is cut square images into jigsaw pieces.
@Marvel · 2021-12-27
PokeDex [B4X]
I made this as a B4X project (B4A, B4i and B4J) to demonstrate how to create a pokedex app using B4X.
@aeric · 2021-12-22
B4XDialog - Custom dialogs [B4X] [XUI]
B4XDialogs is part of XUI Views library. Use that instead: [B4X] XUI Views - Cross platform views and dialogs. B4XDialog class helps with creating cross platform custom dialogs. The dialog is made of a simple panel and it is therefore completely customizable.
@Erel · 2021-12-19
DBUtils 2 [B4X]
DBUtils is a code module with useful utilities related to the SQL library. It is designed to work with SQLite databases. There have been three versions of DBUtils, one for each platform (except of B4R). DBUtils v2.0 merges the three modules to a single module that is compatible with B4A, B4i and B4J.
@Erel · 2021-12-16
AS Color Slider - touchable color picker [B4X] [XUI]
AS Color Slider - touchable color picker [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2021-12-13
SelectOption function
I use it as a replacement of Select/Case statement, when I only have to get one result among many options.
@RMMIRON · 2021-12-12
Dynamically switching screen orientation while using B4XPages [B4XPages]
Dynamically switching screen orientation while using B4XPages [B4XPages]
@William Lancee · 2021-12-04
xInstrumentationController [B4X] [CustomView Class]
The xInstrumentationController purpose is to display a device present value & display and set a setpoint via touch or method.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
xInstrumentationMeter [B4X] [CustomView Class]
Display a meter value or to set a meter value via touch or mouse click.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
The xInstrumentationStateIndicator purpose is to display a device state or to set a device state via touch or mouse click. A device could be basically anything which can have a state true or false.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
xInstrumentationValueIndicator [B4X] [CustomView Class]
The xInstrumentationValueIndicator purpose is to display an indicator with value and (optional) unit.
@rwblinn · 2021-12-04
AppendToTextFile [B4X]
AppendToTextFile [B4X]
@LucaMs · 2021-11-30
Validate and verify CIF, NIF, DNI and Others [B4X]
Validate and verify NIF, CIF and DNI and can be expanded to other verifiers
@TILogistic · 2021-11-29
Two great tools for testing webapps and webhooks
I have found two great tools that can be used for testing webapps and webhooks. The first is called ngrok. What it does is that it creates a tunel to your web app and makes it accessible from the internet through https without port forwarding. It acts as a kind of reverse vpn but for https access only. The second and also very interesting tool is beeceptor. It is a webhook receiver and post api receiver in order to check what various services will post to your webapp and create the receiving code correctly.
@hatzisn · 2021-11-27
mcSmoothFadingBG [B4X] [XUI]
This library creates a smooth background transition between random colours. It can be used as a splash screen or show some kind of "Loading please wait" screen as seen in when installing windows
@mcqueccu · 2021-11-26
B4XCache - simple and useful cache collection [B4X]
B4XCache is a new collection added in B4XCollections v1.10. It is key / value store collection, similar to Map. When the cache reaches the set maximum size, the least recent used items are removed (30% of the items). The item recency is updated when it is added to the cache and whenever it is accessed, using Cache.Get.
@Erel · 2021-11-24
RGB to HSL Conversion [B4X]
It takes Red, Green, Blue inputs and returns Hue, Saturation, and Lightness values.
@John Naylor · 2021-11-24
SQL - setting the journal mode [B4X]
The modes are explained here: https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode The two cases where it is important to set the journal mode: 1. WAL - B4J server solutions: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...ent-access-to-sqlite-databases.39904/#content 2. DELETE - when it is important that the database will be made of a single file.
@Erel · 2021-11-21
Chart analysis [B4X] [Class]
If you have chart data as a table with 2 columns, say weather temperature per hour - it would be good to have an analysis code that can check the data changing trend and return some result. The result may be like "Temperature is rising during 5 hours", or "Warning: sudden freeze for -20 degrees during 5 hours !" ...
@peacemaker · 2021-11-17
Amazon SimpleDB [B4X]
Amazon SimpleDB is a web service for NoSQL data storage. The attached project (B4J, B4A and B4I) shows how to access Amazon SimpleDB.
@roumei · 2021-11-16
B4XPreferencesDialog - Cross platform forms [B4X]
B4XPreferencesDialog makes it easy to create dialogs with all kinds of input fields.
@Erel · 2021-11-12
xLevelIndicator [B4X] [CustomView Class]
The xLevelIndicator purpose is to monitor the level of a device, like Battery (%), Voltage (V), Tank Level (m3) and more.
@rwblinn · 2021-11-09
Globals shrinker
Shrink the ''Globals'' Sub by combining Dim/Public/Private lines
@ilan · 2021-11-08
Elevation shadow [B4X] [XUI]
Add elevation/shadows on XUI views
@wimpie3 · 2021-11-05
Scrolling Label [B4X] [XUI]
A custom view with a label that scrolls automatically when the text is wider than the label. The class is supported by B4A, B4i and B4J. It depends on XUI v1.46+.
@Erel · 2021-11-03
AS ViewPagerNative based on AHViewPager and iTabstrip [B4X] [XUI]
The goal was to create a cross-platform viewpager based on existing viewpagers. Since AHViewPager and iTabstrip are very different, the view helps to create a unified interface.
@Alexander Stolte · 2021-10-29
xSidebarView [B4X]
A Customview to create a simple Sidebar. Its a modified xCustomlistView and works great with B4X Drawer. You can add 4 types of elements: Header, Seperator, headlines and items. As Itemicon you can use Bitmaps, Fontawesome or Material Icon.
@Blueforcer · 2021-10-04
Lock screen orientation based on how device is held when App is started. [B4XPages]
Lock screen orientation based on how device is held when App is started. [B4XPages]
@William Lancee · 2021-10-02