B4XLibraryRadioButton [B4X][XUI]
AS Radio Button [B4X] [XUI]
AS Radio Button [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-06
B4XLibrarySlider [B4X][XUI]
AS RangeRoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
AS RangeRoundSlider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-06
B4XLibraryhtml [B4X]
MiniHtmlParser - simple html parser implemented with B4X [B4X]
MiniHtmlParser is a cross platform class that parses html strings and creates a tree with the various elements. It is a less powerful alternative to jTidy or jSoup, however it is simple to use, cross platform and as it is implemented in B4X it can be extended quite easily.
@Erel · 2025-02-06
B4XLibraryViews - additional [B4X][XUI]
AS Chips - Display your Hashtags, Filters or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
AS Chips - Display your Hashtags, Filters or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-03
B4XLibraryViews - additional [B4X][XUI]
AS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel [B4X] [XUI]
AS DropDownBox - simple in app notification/information panel [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-03
B4XLibraryEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [B4X][XUI]
AS BlinkTextView [B4X] [XUI]
A TextView that blinks, just like the good old HTML tag.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-02
B4XLibraryPicker [B4X][XUI]
AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI]
AS PlusMinus [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01
B4XLibrarySpinner [B4X][XUI]
AS SelectionList - Single or multiple selection [B4X] [XUI]
AS SelectionList - Single or multiple selection [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01
B4XLibraryDate/time [B4X][XUI]
AS TimePickerDialog based on B4XDialog and AS_TimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
AS TimePickerDialog based on B4XDialog and AS_TimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-02-01
B4XLibraryProgress/Gauge/Loading [B4X][XUI]
AS NumberProgressBar [B4X] [XUI]
AS NumberProgressBar [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-30
B4XLibraryAction Bar, Drawer, etc [B4X]
B4XDrawerAdvanced - Sliding Drawer - Left and Right Panel [B4X]
I took the original B4XDrawer code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view. This view supports right panel in B4A and B4I. What was often requested.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-30
B4XLibraryViews - effects [B4X]
AS Badges [B4X]
I took the original Badger code from @Erel and modified it to create a new view.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
B4XLibraryMenu [B4X][XUI]
AS FlowTabMenu - Early Stage [B4X] [XUI]
AS FlowTabMenu - Early Stage [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
B4XLibraryViews - additional [B4X][XUI]
AS Scrolling Tags based on xCustomListView - Display your Hastags or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
AS Scrolling Tags based on xCustomListView - Display your Hastags or Categories [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
B4XLibraryLabel [B4X][XUI]
AutoTextSizeLabel [B4X] [XUI]
AutoTextSizeLabel [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - Authentification [B4X]
PocketBase - Authentification [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-29
B4XLibraryhttp [BETA][B4X]
xHttpServer [beta] [B4X]
It is an http server, which allows a browser to navigate on html pages stored on the device. In addition, dynamic pages can also be created.
@Star-Dust · 2025-01-28
B4XLibraryImages [B4X][XUI]
AS Image Comparison Slider [B4X] [XUI]
AS Image Comparison Slider [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-26
B4XLibraryDate/time [B4X][XUI]
AS TimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
This is a simple TimePicker, with android style.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-26
B4XLibraryClipboard [B4X][B4XLIB]
B4XClipboard [B4X] [B4Xlib]
B4XClipboard [B4X] [B4Xlib]
@LucaMs · 2025-01-26
Map and List Initiators - a work-around
Map and List Initiators - a work-around
@William Lancee · 2025-01-26
B4XTutorialDatabase [B4X]
PocketBase - Database CRUD [B4X]
PocketBase - Database CRUD [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-26
Tip : B4XLib documentation
Tip : B4XLib documentation
@walt61 · 2025-01-26
Free game assets you can use
Free game assets you can use
@josejad · 2025-01-23
B4XLibraryMenu [B4X][XUI]
AS BottomActionMenu [B4X] [XUI]
This view combines 2 views and makes it quick and easy to let the user make an action.
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-22
b4x_cba [B4X Custom Build Action]
Ever since Erel introduced custom build actions I have run a collection of batch files to do certain things when I do a release build eg copy the jar to another folder, compile only etc.I''ve finally decided to combine these into a single console application (in C#) instead of a bunch of batch files.
@tchart · 2025-01-22
B4XSnippetBarcode/scan [B4X][XUI]
QR Code with logo [B4X] [XUI]
QR Code with logo [B4X] [XUI]
@aeric · 2025-01-22
B4XLibraryDate/time [B4X]
AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker [B4X]
AS WheelDateTimePicker - based on ASWheelPicker [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2025-01-21
B4XSnippetGit [B4X_CBA]
GitHub Push [b4x_cba]
GitHub Push [b4x_cba]
@tchart · 2025-01-21
B4XClassCharts [B4X][XUI]
xChart Class [B4X] [XUI]
Learning B4XViews and XUI, I wrote this CustomView xChart Class. It works on all three products: B4A, B4i and B4J. The xChart.bas file is located in the B4J and shared, relative link, in B4A and B4i. The code is exactly the same, one class file, for all three products. It is an evolution of Erels'' Android Charts Framwork. It has automatic scales, automatic text size according to the chart size. These can also be set manually. Demoprograms for all three products. Tested on PC, Android Samsung S6, Samsung Tab S2, iPhone 6 and iPad.
@klaus · 2025-01-19