ShareYourSpot [GPS, FLP, MQTT] 0$ [B4X]
ShareYourSpot [GPS, FLP, MQTT] 0$ [B4X]
@Magma · 2024-06-27
SP IFStatus - Check if interface status [WiFi, cell network data or LAN] has enabled or disabled [B4X]
SP IFStatus - Check if interface status [WiFi, cell network data or LAN] has enabled or disabled [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-27
Supabase - Call a Postgres function [RPC] [B4X]
Supabase - Call a Postgres function [RPC] [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-06-26
YouTube Streaming Library [B4X]
YouTube Streaming Library [B4X]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-23
BMVariableFixFormat [B4X]
A small tool that will help you better organize your projects, reduce the lines of code and in turn reduce the weight of your project.
@Brian Michael · 2024-06-22
B4A/B4I: How to know if the application is installed on device? [WhatsApp/Telegram example]
B4A/B4I: How to know if the application is installed on device? [WhatsApp/Telegram example]
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-20
The best way to test your code [B4X]
The best way to test your code [B4X]
@Brian Michael · 2024-06-15
Search in a List
Search substrings in a List
@Brian Michael · 2024-06-08
AS FloatingActionMenu [B4X] [XUI]
AS FloatingActionMenu [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-29
Emulate javas ability to have default and value constructors in B4J
Emulate javas ability to have default and value constructors in B4J
@Daestrum · 2024-05-28
B4J as an interactive backend for Python3 [B4J, B4XPages]
B4J as an interactive backend for Python3 [B4J, B4XPages]
@William Lancee · 2024-05-25
AS FloatingActionMenu - Open Menu above an item in a xCustomListView [B4X]
AS FloatingActionMenu - Open Menu above an item in a xCustomListView [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-20
ZipperWm - based on Erel''s Zipper tool, with additional functionality - source included [Tool] [B4X]
ZipperWm - based on Erel''s Zipper tool, with additional functionality - source included [Tool] [B4X]
@walt61 · 2024-05-19
AS TextFieldAdvanced - TitleMode [AboveTextField, FloatText and BeforeTextField] [B4X]
AS TextFieldAdvanced - TitleMode [AboveTextField, FloatText and BeforeTextField] [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-17
Extract the first letter of a first and last name [B4X]
Extract the first letter of a first and last name [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2024-05-16
lmB4XImageView [B4X] [B4Xlib]
Modified version of Erel''s B4XImageView - which is inside the "Xui Views" library. It does not replace that, just add this to the additional libraries folder (B4X) and then choose whether to use in your project this or that. The changes are two: 1 - I added the Click event - which also takes into account the possible rounding of the image, which is the most important feature of the B4XImageView, perhaps. 2 - Added also the classic properties: Left, Top, Width, Height
@LucaMs · 2024-05-13
SimpleMediaManager [SMM] - framework for images, videos and more [B4X]
SimpleMediaManager [SMM] - framework for images, videos and more [B4X]
@Erel · 2024-05-13
Range function
This little method allows you to specify a range for ''For Each'' loops etc, or set an array to a range of values.
@Daestrum · 2024-05-10
@arf programas · 2024-05-06
OSM Maps / FusedLocationProviderClient GMS [B4A] [B4XPages]
OSM Maps / FusedLocationProviderClient GMS [B4A] [B4XPages]
@Harris · 2024-05-05
SD XUIScrollView2D [B4X] [XUI]
SD XUIScrollView2D [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-30
Useful Features for PharmaCode Barcodes [B4X]
Useful functions for PharmaCode Barcodes [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2024-04-29
AS Draw [B4X] [XUI]
Features: - cross-platform compatible - draw or erase - undo and redo - clear all - set color, thickness and background color - enable or disable the drawing - import and export the drawing for later use - export the drawing as image or the complete view
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-28
VivaPayments Local-API P2P Peer to Peer with Terminal EFT-POS [B4X]
VivaPayments Local-API P2P Peer to Peer with Terminal EFT-POS [B4X]
@Magma · 2024-04-27
Firebase Auth REST API [B4X]
Firebase Auth REST API [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-26
Web API Client [Project Template] [B4X]
Create Web API Client (B4XPages project) from B4X template to consume API from Web API Server with CRUD functionalities
@aeric · 2024-04-22
check if the time format is 12h or 24h format [B4X]
check if the time format is 12h or 24h format [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-21
GetPackageName [B4X]
GetPackageName [B4X] - one method for all 3 platforms
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-17
Supabase - Authentification [B4X]
Supabase - Authentification [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-17
Supabase - Sign In Anonymously [B4X]
Supabase - Sign In Anonymously [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-17